
As surprising as it may sound, Czechs can be quite strict about the quality of burgers they are served! Since 2014, we have visited numerous restaurants carefully analysing their grilling skills. Here's the top 3 of the best and juiciest burgers in and around the city. 

Black Dog

Gorazdova 1, Praha or Česká 140, Beroun

This place started in Beroun as a small hut burger bar with just a few chairs. Today, Black Dog has expanded to Prague to offer it's BBQ grill. Their burgers are trully outstanding! The chefs have mastered their know-how to offer some juicilicious burgers!

The Tavern

Chopinova 26, Praha

This is a US-style, friendly place just around the corner from Riegrovy Sady Park. The meat is grilled on fire holding that smooth grill taste and it all comes together in a juicy and tasty burger. The Tavern may be a little more pricy but definitely worth it. It is one of the top places for dining.

Nejen Bistro

Křižíkova 24

Nejen Bistro is a small restaurant at the corner of a lovely square in the heart of Karlin quarter. They don't specialise in burgers, however their beef Black Angus burger prepared on their Josper grill is nothing short of remarkable and definitely worth the trip. 

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